
亚洲博彩平台 invests in our graduate students' future  success by making substantial contributions, 以助教奖学金和奖学金的形式, 以抵消学费. 结果是, many graduate students find that the net cost of their advanced degree is far less than the published tuition.

The university also works with the federal government to make affordable loan programs available to enrolling graduate students.

请随意 安排一次与财政援助办公室的会面 如需进一步协助.

Well-qualified students offered admission to a 亚洲博彩平台 master's or doctoral program at the Melbourne, 佛罗里达校区可能有资格获得研究生助教奖学金. 通常, 研究生助教奖学金为学生提供工资, 减免学费, 或两个, 以换取教学或研究援助.

看到 研究生助学金网站 详情及申请.

Exceptionally qualified graduate students may be selected by their academic department to receive a scholarship or fellowship.

The following is a list of named scholarships 和 is a representative sample of awards that may be available to admitted graduate students. 

  • A.C. Bagtzoglou土木工程奖学金基金*
  • Dr. 胡安妮塔·尼尔·贝克心理学奖学金*
  • 民间校友招聘基金(CARE)
  • 大卫L. 特蕾莎·G. 克莱顿海洋与环境系统奖学金*
  • 迪尔宁-爱尔兰奖学金基金*
  • 海港城志愿救护队基金
  • Dr. 伦纳德维. 希利研究生奖学金
  • 林克基金会海洋工程奖学金*
  • Dr. 詹姆斯米. 和萨拉·M. 奥特加天文学奖学金*
  • Alan Edwin Paltzik奖学金*
  • Dr. 卡罗尔·L. Philpot家庭心理学奖学金*
  • 芭芭拉一个. 威廉·G. 罗伊管理研究奖学金
  • 拯救港湾、空气及运河/水道公司. (SOBAC)奖学金*
  • Mathew Earl Schram ALMC-LEDC/FT研究生奖学金*
  • 夫人. Krishna Devi Sharma奖学金
  • 格特鲁德E. 斯凯利海洋与环境系统研究员*
  • 爱德华·W. Snowdon 和 Lee Hill Snowdon Fellowship in Marine 和 Environmental Studies*
  • 海军上将阿.D. 沃特斯大学研究生奖学金*
  • 约翰米. DMES威廉姆斯奖学金*
  • Dr. 伊丽莎白B. 沃尔夫-科曼心理学奖学金*


Florida Institute of Technology was the first university to develop a program with the 和平队 它关注的是环境. 亚洲博彩平台的 Coverdell 和平队 Fellows/USA Program began in 1999 和 was originally called the Graduate Environmental Fellows Program (GEFP).

With the expansion of the program 和 the addition of graduate degree programs in education in 2004, the program became the Graduate Environmental 和 Teacher Education Fellows Program (GETEFP). Although 亚洲博彩平台 does not distinguish between these programs for admission purposes, the 和平队 website includes a description of the original Environmental degree programs (GEFP) 和 Teacher Education degree programs (GTEFP) as two separate Fellows/USA 项目.

In 2018, 亚洲博彩平台的工程学院和理学院合并, 成为工程与科学学院(COES). This webpage has been modified to reflect changes in this Fellows program since 2004 (e.g., 最近增加了环境和教育学位课程, as well as changes in the name of degree programs since the creation of COES). As the program continues to develop, we hope to exp和 the number 和 type of degrees offered.



亚洲博彩平台的 Graduate Environmental 和 Teacher Education Fellows/USA Program is a two-year (minimum) program designed for returning 和平队 volunteers with bachelor’s course work 和 和平队 experience in an environmental 和/or educational field. 该计划提供四个环境领域的学位(i.e., science, 工程, management 和 education), as well as seven educational fields (i.e., 干教育, 专门从事科学教育, 数学教育, 教育技术, 和 elementary science education; environmental education 和 informal science education; 和 teaching). This program combines course work in a selected Master’s or advanced graduate degree program with related internship experience, 通常是和一个地区合作伙伴.  这些合作伙伴包括联邦, 状态, regional 和 county environmental agencies; county school districts; private scientific 和 educational institutions; 和 conservation organizations. 课程结束要求(i.e., M.S.毕业论文、非毕业论文项目、毕业设计项目或实习.D.(论文)可以与合作伙伴一起完成.


All of the master’s degree programs available through the fellowship program require a bachelor’s degree in a related field, 我的平均成绩是3分.0或以上. 许多Ph值.D. 项目要求相关领域的硕士学位,平均绩点为3分.2或以上. 然而,几个Ph值.D. 一些项目允许学生只获得学士学位即可入学. Applicants are required to submit the following materials to the Office of 研究生入学s: a completed application form, 所有学院/大学课程的正式成绩单, 一份简历, 和平队的服务描述(DOS), 一份求职目标说明和三封推荐信. 大多数环境科学的硕士和博士学位课程, 工程, 管理类也需要GRE成绩, 虽然没有教育学位课程要求这样做. 入学竞争激烈.


过去的参与者曾在圣. 约翰河水管理区, 海洋资源局, 布里瓦德动物园, 布里瓦德县的环境濒危土地项目, 布里瓦德县公立学校, 以及该地区的其他教育和环保组织.


Once you have chosen your degree program, the next step in this process is completing an 入学申请. 研究生招生办公室处理所有申请. 在完成在线申请时, please select 和平队 under the “How did you hear about 亚洲博彩平台” drop-down menu.

Both fall 和 spring admission is available to graduate fellows with the exclusion of the biology program, 哪个开学日期是秋季.



  • Biotechnology (Emphasis in Natural Resource 和 Environmental Quality Applications)
  • 化学工程 (Specialization in Hydrogen 和 Fuel Cell Technology)
  • 土木工程(环境工程研究方向)
  • 保护技术
  • 地球遥感
  • 生态
  • 环境与非正式科学教育
  • 环境资源管理
  • 环境科学
  • Interdisciplinary Science (Emphasis in Environmental 和 Sustainability Studies)
  • 海洋生物学
  • 气象学
  • 海洋工程
  • 海洋学(生物专业, 化学, 地质与物理海洋学, 及海岸带管理)
  • STEM教育(科学教育专业, 强调生活, 地球与环境科学

教育学硕士学位课程.S, M.Ed. 和艾德.S.)

  • 教育、米.Ed. 对于那些准备从事教学事业的人
  • 环境与非正规科学教育,硕士.S.
  • STEM教育硕士.S. 科学教育专业, 数学教育, 教育技术与, 基础科学教育)
  • STEM教育.S. 科学教育专业, 数学教育, 教育技术与, 基础科学教育)


  • 生物科学
  • 化学工程
  • 土木工程
  • 环境科学
  • 海洋工程
  • 海洋学
  • STEM教育(科学教育专业, 数学教育, 及教育科技)

Full tuition scholarship assistance is available for graduate reSearch assistants working toward a doctoral degree through the Doctoral Graduate 研究 Assistant Tuition Scholarship (DGRATS) program.

DGRATS is a program through which 亚洲博彩平台 provides full  tuition scholarships, 以学期为单位, to doctoral students who are receiving wages from an externally-funded reSearch grant or contract.

Melbourne campus students who are supported by 15 hours per week (or more) of reSearch or grant wages, 或者是获得国家奖学金的人, 有资格申请DGRATS. 这适用于国内和国际学生.

具体细节, 包括常见问题, about DGRATS may be found on the Graduate Student Assistantships Office DGRATS page. 



学生 taking advantage of military tuition assistance may find their tuition 100% covered by enrolling in the 智慧战士计划. Available only to Active Duty (under title 10) service members pursuing an online degree program, the 智慧战士计划 reduces the service members tuition to $250 per semester credit hour so that your entire cost is covered by tuition assistance.

智慧战士计划仅限于我们的学位课程 虚拟教育中心. 从2024年秋季1日起,它将扩展到包括 在线8周课程. The 智慧战士计划 may not be used for any other programs or locations.

联系军人和退伍军人学生服务办公室 了解更多信息.
